Thursday, October 27, 2011

introduction Paragraph.

Slums are not of a very good way to live. Slums are mainly in the eastern hemisphere, but slums are a run- down area of a city characterized by poor housing and lack of security, also very crowded. In slums around the world there are many health related issues such as poor nutrition, high disease rates in children, and lack of sanitation.

Monday, October 17, 2011


I. Introduction

Slums is not to much of a good choice to go live in. Slums are mainly in the Eastern Hemisphere, but slums are a run down area of a city characterized by poor housing and lack of security, also are very crowded. In slums around the world there are many health-related issues such as poor nutrition, high diseases rates in children, and lack of sanitation. India is one of the million places in the world where slums are found and with very poor nutrition.

II. Defendable point 1

A.    Slums are a bad place for children to live.Slums do not have a good sanitation and alot of kids do not have good clothing or just do not have good footwear.Alot of kids get inffections because they just walk barefoot on the dirty streats. Many of these kids die from diseases.

B.   In India is one of the places in which nutrition is not good. Slums aren't just by them self it also takes in hand very poorly nutrition. India is one of the places in which it is urbanization is growing really fast.

C.   kids that live in India and have very poorly nutrition are mainly more vunerable to get diseases more easier.

III. Defendale point 3

A. slums in india  besides having bad nutrition on everybody living there  they also have diseases. In slums there are many diseases. The diseases are huge part because not everybody living in the slums have enough money to pay a doctor. Mainly alot of kids do suffer of lukemia and do not get a treatment at all. But in slums there are more diseases in which people living there can´t do anything.

 IV. Defandable point 4

Slums in India besides having malnutrition diseases they have lack of sanitation .People living in slums are already used to live in a place in which the sanitation is really bad.The sanitation is so poorly that not alot of people have restrooms  and they have to do their necesaries in plastic bags and the plastic bags just get thrown far away in which it also damages more their own place ´´slums´´. The slums are full of diseases and mainly because of all the lack of sanitation. This is also a cause of kids having very poor nutrition and people having diseases.


In slums the people have sanitation. in slums around the world  there are many health-related issues such as poor nutrition, high disease rate in children and lack of sanitation.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Thesis Statment

In slums around the world there are many health-related issues such as poor nutrition, high disease rates in children, and  lack of sanitation.